 "Rigged" tells an incredible rags-to-riches story of David Russo, an Italian-American upstart from the streets of Brooklyn who claws his way into the wild, frenetic world of the testosterone-laced warrens of the Merc Exchange, the asylum-like oil trading center located in lower Manhattan where billions of dollars trade hands every week, a place where former garbagemen become millionaires overnight and fistfights break out on the trading floor. But the Merc is just the starting place of an adventure that leads David to private yachts in Monte Carlo, the gold-lined hotel palaces of Dubai, and dangerous deals in the back alleys of Beijing. "Rigged" tells the true story of one man’s adventure to revolutionize the oil trading industry – and along with it, the world.
Author | |
ISBN - 10 | |
ISBN - 13 | |
Pages | |
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