Basics Animation: Scriptwriting
"The Basics Animation" series follows on from the successful title "The Fundamentals of Animation" and offers a concise but comprehensive account of a number of definitions and approaches to script, drawing upon the available literature. The book adopts a straightforward approach that is diagnostic, advisory and characterized by a range of examples. Most importantly, "Basics Animation: Scriptwriting" seeks to promote the distinctiveness of animation as a form of expression, and provides a clear account of the choices and approaches available to the scriptwriter/animator/director, and the particularities of each model. Inevitably, some of these models will have common approaches, but equally, there will be localized variations dependent upon the definition/understanding of animation adopted by individuals, companies and studios
Author | Paul Wells |
ISBN - 10 | 2940373167 |
ISBN - 13 | 9782940373161 |
Pages | 184 |
Publisher | AVA Publishing |
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